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  3. How do wireless security systems work?

How do wireless security systems work?

Security is critical for homes and businesses.

Robbery and vandalism are more common than you think. And it can happen anywhere, anytime. Just having decent locks aren’t going to help. Locks can be picked very easily.

A security system is a worthwhile investment to protect your belongings, employees or loved ones. Alarms, security cameras, motion sensors and outdoor lighting are some examples of security systems.

Wired and wireless security systems

The security systems can be wired or wireless.

Wired systems use electric and telephone lines to connect the different components.

Wireless security systems - the devices uses Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, radio or cellular signals for communication

Are wireless security systems worth it?

  • They don’t use any wires or cords, which makes them easier to install anywhere
  • Battery backup ensures your system remains in working order even during a power outage
  • Wireless security systems are easy to install and don’t require drilling holes. It is beneficial for renters or homeowners planning to change their residences. The devices can be removed, packed up and installed in a new location
  • Wireless devices can be installed in minutes. DIY installation is possible and can help save you time and money on installation costs
  • You can monitor your property from anywhere just by using your smartphone, tablet or computer
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How do wireless security systems work?

They use your existing internet connection to connect and operate. They use Wi-Fi and radio signals to share information with each other.

Components of Security Systems

  • Control Panel
  • Keypad
  • Sensors - motion sensors, contact sensors, environmental sensors, glass-break sensors
  • Alarm systems
  • Cameras
  • Sirens

Alarms, cameras and sensors are all connected to the control panel via radio signals. Cloud storage, motion detection and remote viewing give security systems advanced capabilities.

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Credit: US News

For example, motion sensors can detect movement in their tracking zone. This detection can trigger the security camera to start recording. The footage can be viewed on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Alternatively, your monitoring team will receive the notification and they can take the appropriate action. Or if the alarm systems detected an unusual activity it triggers a siren and the alert is sent to the user and the monitoring services.

What are the disadvantages of wireless security systems?

They can be prone to interference from radio signals and electromagnetic interference. The interference can be due to anything - microwaves, baby monitors, or smartphones. The interference can cause your alarm to trigger. A professional security technician may be able to advise you with the installation to create the least interference.

Low-quality wireless systems can be hacked easily. It is recommended to have 2-factor authentication and a strong password to prevent any hacking attacks. Invest in a high-quality security system. Alternatively, talk to the security professionals at Alltronic Security. Our security technicians can provide you with high-quality security solutions for your home or business.

With over 25 years of experience, we have vast experience in a wide range of residential and commercial security solutions. Talk to our experts on 3353 3248 or complete our online enquiry form.